There are a number of products your Clinician or Health Care Professional can assign to you.
- Living With Breathing
- Personal Breathing Therapies
- Pulmonary Rehab ILD
- Pulmonary Rehab COPD
- Pulmonary Rehab Asthma
- Breathlessness
- Living With BPD
Living With Breathing
Manage your condition by using the included library content, fatigue diary tracker and keeping track of your goals. You can also send and receive messages with your clinic and keep track of your medication usage.
Personal Breathing Therapies
Use the daily questionnaires to track your progress with your clinic. This can help identify treatments and strategies that are working well for you.
Pulmonary Rehab ILD
Read about your condition with the included library content and keep track of the impact your lung disease is having on various aspects of your life using the King's Brief Interstitial Lung Disease questionnaire.
Pulmonary Rehab COPD
Use the COPD Assessment Test questionnaire to help you and your healthcare professional measure the impact of COPD on your daily life. Read through the included library content to learn more about your condition and how best to manage it.
Pulmonary Rehab Asthma
Use the Asthma Library Content to learn about your condition and the Asthma Control Test questionnaire to help you and your healthcare provider determine if your asthma symptoms are well controlled.
Use the Dyspnoea-12 questionnaire to help learn more about how your breathing is troubling you.
Living With BPD
Manage your Breathing Pattern Disorder by completing the bespoke programmes. These will give you information about your condition and guide you through strategies for managing it. Track your goals, send and receive messages with your clinic, manage your medication and read articles about breathing pattern disorder